The Bakrie Center Foundation (BCF), led directly by Anindya Novyan Bakrie and the third generation of the Bakrie family, was founded on this edifice of education. It represents a worldview which is cognizant of the importance of higher education, and supporting ordinary Indonesians across the country with basic vocational skills to lead fulfilling and productive lives. It is a private sector initiative to identify and develop leaders in Indonesia, creating a talent pool that will eventually drive economic development and growth.
“The Bakrie Center Foundation’s vision is to identify and develop leaders at all levels of society across the Indonesia archipelago. We want to strengthen capacity and create a talent pool in the near future that will ultimately drive Indonesia’s economic development and growth.”
Anindya Bakrie, Chairman & Founder Bakrie Center Foundation
- Scholarship For more than a decade, BCF has provided postgraduate scholarships to 478 the best students in Indonesia through Bakrie Graduate Fellowship
- Leadership Training As many as 1.081 students have been forged with leadership training through the Leadership Development for Graduate Students (LDGS) program.
- Capacity Building Through the Leadership and Development (LEAD Indonesia) program, BCF now has 55 fellows with work area coverage in 52 districts throughout Indonesia.
- Internship Supporting Kampus Merdeka Belajar program echoed by the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia, BCF invites students who have strong empathy to join the Campus Leaders Program.
- Bakrie International Fellowship An intensive fellowship program connecting advanced degree students from top US universities (Harvard, MIT, Stanford) to Indonesian businesses and institutions for 6-8 week summer internships.
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